The Clarke Psychological


Chloe Kim

At heart, I am deeply passionate about supporting individuals in need. My journey in this field began at Oak Hill Ranch, where I worked as a Child and Youth Care Worker. This role involved helping young people navigate emotional and behavioural challenges. My desire to further my expertise led me to complete a master’s degree in Counselling at City University of Seattle. Through diverse work experiences in Edmonton Catholic Schools as a Therapeutic Assistant, Alberta Health Services as a Child and Youth Developmental Specialist, and private practice as a Mental Health Therapist, I have refined my clinical judgment and counselling skills. I also gained significant experience in psychoeducational assessments under Dr. Clarke’s supervision at Clarke Psychological.

My unique blend of training and certifications allow me to offer comprehensive psychological support. With Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), I assist clients suffering from psychological stress in transforming distressing mental images into positive ones. My expertise in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) allows me to address a variety of conditions such as stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma, focusing on both the mind and behaviour. Each of these modalities allows me to approach client issues from multiple angles, ensuring a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses the unique circumstances and needs of each individual.

As a Korean immigrant who moved to Canada at the age of 20, I experienced the challenges of adapting to a new culture, language, and environment and new values. This transition involved leaving behind my friends, family, financial stability and a familiar way of life in Korea. The process was filled with grief over the loss of my comfort zone and immense anxiety about settling into a new country. However, these experiences have enabled me to empathize with people from diverse backgrounds, enriching my perspectives on life. Rebuilding my life in Canada has given me valuable insights into how people develop their perspectives, values, and beliefs, and how these are influenced by their environment, experiences, and culture. Proud of my journey, I am now dedicated to helping others facing crises, utilizing my personal and professional experiences to guide and support them.

Chole Kim Profile Pic rotated

Main issues I help in:

 Anger Management


 Child Issues



Life Transitions 

Mood Disorders


 Emotional Disturbance

 Family Conflict

 Self- Esteem

 Sleep and Insomnia

 Substance Use & Addictive Behaviour


 Trauma PTSD 

Psychological distress

 Eating disorders 


Sexual abuse

 Relationship issues 


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